Three Ways to Market Your Website More Effectively

Search engine optimization

Did you know that Google uses goats to mow the lawn of its headquarters? Although Google may have some unconventional tendencies, it still owns nearly 70% of the search engine market share. By allowing an SEO company to implement several internet marketing strategies and provide SEO reporting tools, your website will rank higher on Google, and this will lead to an increase in the amount of traffic it receives.

1. Content creation. Content SEO involves creating articles and blogs that are used to increase the visibility of your website. By utilizing this strategy, the organic ranking of your website will improve. Since more than 90% of internet users perform at least one search per day in the United States and 75% of users never look past the first page of search results, a highly-ranked website will attract more users.

2. Mobile web design. In addition to needing a user-friendly design, your website must also work perfectly on mobile devices, as well. This is because 65% of mobile internet users rely on their devices to find local businesses, and mobile internet usage is expected to surpass desktop internet usage by 2014.

3. PPC. Pay-per-click advertising is an effective way to immediately rank your website higher on search engines. In addition, PPC is easily measurable. SEO reporting tools will monitor the effectiveness of your PPC campaign, and this will allow you to continually change it in order to produce the best results possible.

Since more than half of B2B marketers say that SEO has the greatest impact on their lead generation, several SEO strategies must be utilized. Content creation, mobile web design, and PPC will all increase the visibility and ranking of your website. By implementing these marketing strategies, your website will see a significant increase in the amount of traffic it receives.

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