Get Off your Can and Get your Website to the Top of the Google Ranks

The very first Google doodle was all the way back in 1998. It was a picture of the Burning Man. The doodle was a message from the co founders, letting the rest of the company know that they would be out of the office attending the Burning Man Festival in Nevada. And their first Tweet, on the 26th of February, was binary code for one of their button options for a search: “I’m feeling lucky.”
Google is important. No really, Google is super important. They are the most used search engine by a large margin. They receive almost 70 percent of the share of the internet search engine market. Because of that fact alone, it is so very crucial that you rank as high as you possibly can on their search engine rankings. The people who are using the Google search engine rankings for their information gathering only ever really choose from the top five results. Anything below that, or any of the sponsored links above the five, get completely ignored. Organic top five. That should be your business mantra.
Internet consumers are getting clever in their ability to avoid online marketing. They know when they are being advertised at, and therefore have managed to learn how to ignore the more blatant online advertising. Organic click through marketing has grown in prevalence over the more obvious Pay Per Click avenue. Organics generate a 25 percent higher conversion than the less popular Pay Per.
Utilizing a search engine optimization campaign is the way to get your business into the Google… the Google what? That is right. Organic top five. With SEO you can work your way up the ranks. 57 percent of Business to Business marketers rave that SEO has the largest influence on their lead generation. And it should be able to do the same for you and your search engine rankings. So get cracking on getting that website up and high on the ranks. With your new exposure, your business will boom and you can start rolling in the money Scrooge McDuck style in no time at all.
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i can absolutely attest to how crucial a seo campaign is. my company just hired a company to do it for us and in the three monthst that they have been working on it, we have already seen a huge boost in business . a must for every business owner
i can absolutely attest to how crucial a seo campaign is. my company just hired a company to do it for us and in the three monthst that they have been working on it, we have already seen a huge boost in business . a must for every business owner
i can absolutely attest to how crucial a seo campaign is. my company just hired a company to do it for us and in the three monthst that they have been working on it, we have already seen a huge boost in business . a must for every business owner
i can absolutely attest to how crucial a seo campaign is. my company just hired a company to do it for us and in the three monthst that they have been working on it, we have already seen a huge boost in business . a must for every business owner
i can absolutely attest to how crucial a seo campaign is. my company just hired a company to do it for us and in the three monthst that they have been working on it, we have already seen a huge boost in business . a must for every business owner