The Importance of Flu Shots – News Articles About Health

We’re advised to take vaccines against the flu, but what is the point? What are they? We’ll be discussing the value and advantages from flu shots in this article.

In this TED-Ed, we learn how influenza samples are taken from patients. They are later sent to scientists to conduct research for a vaccine. Because there are so many flu strains, the exact one you’re dealing with may differ from year to year. It is necessary to conduct ongoing research. So, the vaccination you received the previous year will not be able be able to shield you from flu this time around.

Researchers constantly try to identify which type of flu is likely to exist at any time. They need to consider all the research they have in front of them and make a decision on how to defend themselves.

It’s also crucial to protect those that aren’t likely to acquire it. Since if there’s enough people around, the chances of them getting infected will drop. They are protected from the influenza and nobody can transmit it to them.


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